School Site Council
The purpose of our School Site Council is to develop a team of teachers, school professionals and families that look at student data to identify student needs and areas for growth. Our School Site Council receives a recommendation from our English Language Advisory Committee or ELAC and will decide if we should participate in a school-based program as well as identify which state funds will be included in the plan. Our School Site Council will plan, implement and evaluate Barton's programs and budgets in a collaborative effort between our school and the community to improve student achievement at our school.
School Site Council (SSC)
3rd School Site Council Meeting -December 4th 2:20-3:20pm (11/18 meeting cancelled)
Barton Elementary School, RM 46
Via Zoom
2024-2025 School Site Council Representatives
Caylee Norris-Teacher
Alexandria Riehle-Teacher
Stacy Sanchez-Teacher
Judy McNeice-Other Staff
Dulce Alvarez-Parent
Margarita Hernandez-Parent
Nichole Samuels-Parent
Ronae Luke-Parent
Mary Pech -Parent
Jacqueline Williams-Principal
Meeting Agendas & Resources
2024-2025 Agendas
Meeting #1- September 30, 2024-English & Español Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Meeting #2- October 23, 2024-English & Español Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Meeting #3- December 4, 2024-English & Español Meeting Agenda and Minutes
2023-2024 Agendas
English & Español 10_3_2023 Meeting Agenda.pdf
English & Español 11_3_2023 School Site Council Agenda.docx
English & Español 11_15_2023 School Site Council Agenda.docx
English & Español SSCAgenda2_13_2024.docx
English & Español SSCAgenda5_23_24.docx